Saturday, August 31, 2013

WARNING - Graphic Content Is Involved.

Hello friends, viewers and followers. Please click this video and immediately click the flag on the bottom right corner just below the 'thumb up, thumb down' bar (while you're at it, click thumb down). 
It will then take you to Report This Video.
Click the bubble Violent or Repulsive content, and scroll down to Animal Abuse.
Timestamp selected - (type in) 1:15.
On the right, it says: "Please provide additional details about:"
And copy paste this -
I cannot believe what I am seeing. I am so shocked and ashamed of YouTube seeing how they have NOT took this down sooner. 99,162 + Views? This makes me never want to come back on YouTube at all. I am shocked, ashamed, disgusted and so, SO sad that this repulsive video is on YouTube. I will be telling all my friends to flag and report this, also thumbing it 'down'.

It would be so amazing if you did this, and thank you for your time.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mini Pizzas!


Pretty sure this is the best 10 minute recipe I've ever had. 
What you'll need:
  • Pita Bread
  • Vegan Gourmet Mozzarella 'Cheese'
  • Marinara Sauce
  • Optional - Vegetables of your choice
  • Paper towel
For Prep:
Slicer Thingy
  • Set oven at 400 degrees
  • Get one of those, slicer thingies and slice up the cheese!

To begin, take out one pita (or however many you desire) and cover in marinara sauce, leaving about 1 and a half inch crust and the ends. Then, sprinkle the Mozzarella you have over the marinara (as much or as little as you would like). Pop your mini pizzas in the oven for 10-15 minutes, depending on whenever the pita gets hard.

Take the pizzas out of the oven and put on a plate - careful! They're hot! Let them cool for 5 minutes. While they're cooling, get some paper towe
l and dab at the cheese, getting all the oil and watery marinara sauce off (the dabbing action makes the pizza look even better!). After those 5 minutes, pop the pizza in your mouth for a huge party in your tummy! ;)

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:
I hope you have a mouthwatering good time!
-Ilana xo

New Recipe

Hey all! Sorry I haven't been posting, I was at camp for a month. But get excited! I have a great recipe coming to you tonight that's quick, easy, tasty and cheap! Get ready for... Mini Pizzas!! I'll be posting a recipe tonight around 6-10, so keep your eyes peeled!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:

Keep tight, and have a wonderful day!
-Ilana xo



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