What you'll need:
- Silken Tofu
- Daiya Cheddar Cheese
- Milk Alternative
- Dry Mustard
- Salt
- Pepper
- Earth Balance
- Elbow Pasta, or just Macaroni!!

First, grab a pot and put the amount needed of water in that the pasta calls for. Turn the stove on high, and put the pot on one of the burners. When the water boils, follow the instructions on the pasta!
While the noodles are cooking, take out the Silken Tofu, 'Milk', Dry Mustard, salt, pepper, and the Earth Balance. Also, grab a bowl (or just a blender) to mix it in! Cut the silken tofu block in half, and put in the bowl/blender. Mix in 1/2 teaspoon of dry mustard, two tablespoons 'milk' 1 teaspoon salt and a dash of pepper. Mix until a cream.
When the macaroni is done, strain it then put back in the pot. Add about two tablespoons of Earth Balance. Mix until it melts! After you can no longer see the Earth Balance, put the 'cream' and Daiya in. Put as much in as you want depending on how cheesy you want it! Put it back on the burner, and switch it to a medium heat. This just helps the cheese melt faster! Stir until the cheese is all mixed in, and serve hot!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: thevganteen@gmail.com
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!
-Ilana xo
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