Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Beautiful Breakfast Bagels (aka BBB)

My baby Lester just HAD to model this food for you!
Let's face it.. I've had one too many pancakes over the last couple of days. I was thinking of something else I could have that was hot, easy, and delicious and it just came to me! Why not a beautiful breakfast bagel?
What you'll need:
  • Bagels (I used whole wheat)
  • Tempah Bacon
  • Firm Tofu
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Go Veggie Cream Cheese
  • Turmeric

Cut open your bagel, and place it aside. Take out a skillet (or just two frying pans) and put olive oil (generously coating the bottom) in one, and putting two or three spoon fulls of coconut oil in the other. Put the tempah bacon in the coconut oil, and the tofu in the olive oil. 

*If you like your 'bacon' crispy, I suggest cranking up the heat to high*

Remember when you were new to this whole tofu thing, and accidentally scrambled the tofu instead of making it into cubes or long square slices? Well this scramble shouldn't be an accident! Scramble up the tofu like you would eggs, and add a bit of turmeric  The turmeric will turn yellow (even though it comes out orange) resembling eggs. Once those are done, set them aside on your bagel plate. 

Flip the bacon around until the bacon turns a light brown color (or if you like it crunchy, wait 'til you see a dark brown). Set that on the same plate you put the 'eggs' on.

Spread the Go Veggie Cream Cheese all up on that bagel (hollaa wut wutt) and put the tofu and tempah    on, too. Cut the sandwich in half and enjoy!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: thevganteen@gmail.com
Hope this triggers a party in your tummy!
-Ilana xo


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