In the mood for Asian food? Whip up this delicious meal in about 30 minutes!
What you'll need:
- Sesame Oil
- Liquid Braggs (Or any type of soy sauce - just be cautious of ingredients)
- Stir fry sauce (Be aware of this too - Some stir fry sauces have oyster sauce or fish sauce in it. If you cant find anything, look for Hoison sauce. I got the sweet kind, i'm not a spice fanatic.)
- Snow Peas
- Garlic
- One lime
- An onion
- Baby corn
- Tofu (I used firm)
- Green onion
- Bok Choy
- Linguine (whole wheat if possible - or any other type of pasta. I just chose Linguine.)
Alright - grab a cutting board and let's start! First, this depends on how many people you're serving. I served four people, so I used the whole tub of tofu. I guess if you're serving two, use half. Place a bunch of napkins on the cutting board, put the tofu on the napkins, then cover that with more napkins. Put a plate on top of the napkins that are on top of the tofu, and press down. That will get allllll the moisture out (which is a good thing)!!
Take out a small pot and cover the bottom with water. Put it on the stove, but don't turn any heat on yet. Put in as much bok choy as you want (I got a baby bok choy and just put that in), but don't forget to rinse it first! If you want to cut it, you can. Keep coming back to the bok choy just in case the water evaporates and you have to put more in - no one likes burnt vegetables! Cook the bok choy for about 10-14 minutes (or whenever the bok choy looks crumpled up and wilted).
After the moisture is out, cut your tofu up into small squares. Let sit until you put a frying pan on the stove (I used a big red cast iron). Put the stove panel on simmer. Start a boiling pot of water to put your linguine (or whatever pasta you're using) in. Follow instructions for the pasta.
Take out your onions (not green onions yet!), peel and cut as many as you'd like! Use about 3/4ths of it (if you don't like onions as much, use about half or none at all). Do the same with the garlic!
Put your linguine in whenever the water boils!
Open up the can of baby corn, and drain it. If your bok choy is ready, drain that and throw it in the cast iron.
I got snow peas in a little plastic container, so I just grabbed two hand-fulls and put it in the cast iron. Once the snow peas are in, put the tofu, baby corn, onions, bok choy and garlic in. Turn heat to high, and add about 3 tablespoons of sesame oil, 2-2 and a half tablespoons of Braggs, and 2 tablespoons of Hoison (just be careful, the Hoison that I got tasted kind of pickley, so if you don't want to add Hoison into the pan, serve it as a side. IF YOU serve Hoison as a side, add 3 or 4 tablespoons of Braggs.) Cook on high heat for about 6-9 minutes, or whenever the tofu gets a golden brown color.
By now, your linguine should be done. Drain it, and put it back into the pot that you cooked it in. Add about 4 tablespoons to that.
Take out your green onions, and cut about 4 of them up as small as you want. Chop those things up! :) Sprinkle on top of the mix in the cast iron.
Whenever your vegetables get done, put those all inside of the pasta. Stir around a bit, add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and serve!
If you have any questions or concerns PLEASE email me at:
Hope your night is spiced up! ;)
-Ilana xo