- Whole grain angel hair pasta (Capelinne)
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Tofu
- Olive Oil
- Salt
- Black pepper
- Green onions
Grab your asparagus and rinse, and cut off about mid way. Transfer to a paper towel and let that sit for a second. Take a medium sized saucepan out and fill the bottom up with water, a bit less than half. Dump your asparagus in and put on medium heat for about 10-15 minutes. Watch that carefully, so in case all the water evaporates you have just enough time to put more in! Apply as much water as needed.

Take out your whole grain goodness and follow the directions on the packet to cook the pasta.
Make sure you keep an eye on what you're sauteing (the mushrooms with tofu) and stir it around with a spatula just so the mushrooms don't burn and stick to the bottom. Apply a bit more olive oil. Once your pasta is cooked mid way or 3/4ths of the way, take the ASPARAGUS off and drain it. Keep it in the strainer until the tofu and mushrooms are done, and drain everything together. Put all of it back inside of the pot that you cooked the asparagus in.
In the same strainer, dump the pasta in and drain. Layer the pasta now, so you have an even amount of everything going in! Pasta, olive oil, then veggies. Pasta, olive oil, veggies. Repeat until all the pasta is gone from the strainer! Wash and chop up your green onions and throw those on top.
Finally, the best part. EAT IT!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: thevganteen@gmail.com
Warning: Any stealing of food off of one another's plate is NOT MY FAULT!
-Ilana xo :)
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