What you'll need:
Once the other 4 minutes and 30 seconds is up, take out your potato (CAREFUL - IT WILL BE HOT! HAVE A PLATE READY!) Cut the ends of the potato off immediately, then cut up the potato. Mash around with your fork, and make sure it covers the plate. Put some earth balance on the potato, and spread that around (apply as much as you want). Immediately put the onions on, and add a dash of salt - enough to lightly cover the onions. Serve hot, and enjoy!
- Olive oil
- Earth Balance (its a type of butter, I get it in a tub)
- 2 onions (feeds three people)
- One potato (If you're feeding three people, then get three potatoes)
- Frying pan
Take your potato, and grab a fork. Puncture a bunch of holes in it, and place it in the microwave for about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. While that's warming up, take out an onion and cut the ends off. After you cut the ends, peel it! Then, cut it up into smaller pieces. Don't dice it, just make sure you have small thin strips or cubes or however you want to do it. Put that in the frying pan, cover with olive oil, and put the frying pan on the stove. Turn the stove on to high heat.
After the 4 minutes and 30 seconds is up, flip it over and re heat for another 4 minutes and thirty seconds. Return to your onions, and sautee until golden brown.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: thevganteen@gmail.com
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