Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saucy Bow-Ties

I have had olive oil for the past bajillion years, and so it was time to switch it up! Why not make a pasta with sauce instead of olive oil? And that's exactly what I did.

  • Any type of red sauce that you would put on pasta
  • Tofu
  • Mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Bow Tie Pasta
  • Olive oil

First of all, put down a pot of water to cook the noodles in. After that pot is out, take out a frying pan and put it on a different stove panel. Put that on simmer.

While that heats up, take out mushrooms, garlic, onions,tofu and olive oil. I bought pre-cut mushrooms, but whatever you want to do is fine. Cut the onions up - not too big and not too small. Cut the garlic as little or as big as you want, same goes with the tofu! Put the tofu, mushrooms, onions and garlic all into the frying pan on the stove. 

Cover the tofu, mushrooms, garlic and onions all in olive oil and saute them for as long until the onions turn a bit golden around the sides. Put the heat around high.

Put the pasta in the boiling pot of water, and cook for about 5-7 minutes.

Keep an eye on the things you're sauteing, and make sure you stir the bow ties so they don't stick together and come into a clump of bow tie disaster! 

Once the sauteed goodness is done, set the heat on simmer. 

Take the pasta out, and drain it. Set that aside.

Heat up the sauce in a different pot, and cover with a lid. Heat that for about 6 minutes, on high heat. It will be ready when it starts steaming and bubbling

Once that is done, put everything in the sauce, mix, and serve with hot pads! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:
Hope this fulfills your taste buds!
-Ilana xo


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