Monday, May 13, 2013

Organic Treatments When You Have A Cold!

       Hi everyone. I have bad news, and good news! The bad news is, I can't post the salad recipe just yet, I am sick with a cold! Headache, sleepy, chills, and I'm warm.
       I feel so so so bad that I said a recipe was going up tonight, but here - how about I cook you all up a recipe for feeling better! I'll go through what you should eat, drink, and do when you're sick with a Cold.

Get at least 10 - 12 hours of sleep! The reason why you're tired all the time is because your body is working and working to fight this sickness that you have, and it needs backup! When you sleep, your body actually heals itself. Cool, isn't it?

       #1 Thing to drink: Tea! Green tea boosts your immune system, and if you like honey in your tea, then get honey!
Now you might ask: Ilana, didn't you say honey ISN'T vegan? Yes, I did! Get a load of this though! One day I was on the phone with my sister and she told me that there was a type of vegan honey, but I have yet to find out the details.
For now, just use these honey alternatives!
agave nectar, maple syrup or molasses are great choices. They're amazing vegan sweeteners! 

       #1 Thing to eat: VITAMIN. C. BAYYBAYY! Vitamin C hydrates you, and helps rid your body of the sickness. If you are looking for a meal though instead of JUST fruits, eat tons of onions and garlic. From my experiences with onions and garlic, it helps me breathe better because it clears out some of my sinuses. It also helps keep a healthy distance away from people ;)

       Okay so, I kinda... lied. Here's a recipe but no pictures yet! I got this recipe from my friends sister (thanks Lo-Yo!). What you'll need: Tofu, one onion, a container of white mushrooms (already chopped) oilve oil, and one clove of garlic.
       Peel off the outer skin of the garlic and onion. Chop the onion up into how much, how little, how small or how big you would like it, but once you have your raw garlic cut it in half horizontally. Put your cut up onion and garlic into a frying pan. Take out your tofu, drain it, then cut up into bite sized cubes. Once you've done that, throw it in the frying pan also! Cover the bottom of the pan with olive oil, and drizzle just a bit on top of the yummy dish! Cook on medium heat for about 7-14 minutes. Push it around with a spatula JUST enough so the tofu doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Once that time is up, put in a small bowl (or a plate, preferably a bowl) and eat it alllll up! Yum! :)


       If you like bubble baths, then listen up! Bubble baths make you feel relaxed, and it calms you down a lot more. And how long has it been since YOU ever had a bubble bath? Pretty long, right? Take one and just calm down. Let your body fill the bath, and let your inner soul dance along the top of the water with the soapy bubbles. 

       This isn't a cold healer, but don't you HATE it after you've recovered from a cold and there are patches of irritated skin around your nose and you can't seem to just PICK THEM OFF? Well first, don't pick them off. It only irritates it more! Grab some Jojoba oil (original jojoba) and put just a bit on your fingers. Cover the dry patches with the oil, and they will be gone in no time! 

If you have any more suggestions to help fight colds, please comment below or email me at:
Feel better!! :)
-Ilana xo


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