Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Garden Sandwich

       My dad got home around 8 pm last night and I had already made onion soup - but it got cold and gross. So I improvised a really easy and quick meal that I could whip up for my parents, and it hit me. Vegetables are SO good for you, and Iv'e been wanting to grill for the past like week since its warmer out so I said why not and came up with this:

and TRUST me, it was SOOO GOOD!
What you'll need:
  • A bundle of Asparagus
  • Tofu (I used firm)
  • Two carrots
  • Two yellow peppers
  • Zucchini, I only needed one.
  • Earth Balance (vegan butter)
  • Olive Oil
  • Whole grain bread
  • Lettuce (spring mix)
  • Nayonaise (Or any other type of mayonnaise replacer) 

       First, steam your asparagus by taking a medium sized saucepan and covering the bottom with water (about 1/3 of the way). Chop the asparagus in half and throw the top portion (that looks like small trees) inside of the pot and cover it. Watch the asparagus consistently so just in case all the water evaporates you can put more water in. Apply as much water as needed 

       While that's steaming, take out a cutting board! Cut up the zucchini into long strips (don't peel), and set aside. Take out your carrots and PEEL THESE! :) Cut into thick strips. Take your  yellow peppers and cut the tops off, cut into strips. Take out the tofu, drain, and cut into big bite sized squares!

        Coat the bottom of the pan with this butter, and put it on the stove - heat on simmer. Wait until that melts, and grab your carrots. Place your carrots on a fillet and basically burn them (not exactly, just keep reading.)! Flip over and over, press down on them a bunch as IF you were burning them. Wait until they look like they were grilled outside on a BBQ! Keep flipping, and repeat with all of the vegetables. Do the same with the whole wheat bread, except only toast one side. After every vegetable re-coat the bottom of the pan with butter. When the veggies are done, put a little bit of olive oil on the pan and press down on the bread - wait about 5-7 SECONDS and it will be toasted and ready to go!

       Take off your asparagus, and set aside.

       Take one piece of bread, and (not toasted side up!) spread nayonaise on it. Then, put as much veggies and lettuce on as you want! Just make sure the lettuce is rinsed off! Take another piece of toasted bread and put nayonaise on that. Put on top to finish your sandwich, and enjoy! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:
Enjoy your vegetable sandwich!
-Ilana xo


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